
The Swiss Additive Manufacturing Platform

From experts for future experts in 3D printing

We cordially invite you to the 6th Swiss Additive Manufacturing Forum in the URMA showroom in Rupperswil!



October 17, 2024



1 pm – 5 pm



URMA, Obermatt 3,
5102 Rupperswil


From experts for future 3D printing experts

The Swiss Additive Manufacturing Forum welcomes 3D printing enthusiasts as well as managers and production managers who are interested in the fascinating and forward-looking world of additive manufacturing!
Together with selected experts, we will present a variety of interesting topics and concepts based on real application examples at the AM Forum.

This exciting program awaits you:


13:00 Welcome coffee
13:20 Welcome Urs Berner, URMA AG
13:30 AM technology update and introduction of the FX10 for composite and metal printing Frank Gersbach, URMA AG
Renato Cei, URMA AG
14:05 3D printing in mechanical engineering. Digital source meets practice – The bearing on the roll Ronny Bernstein, BMF GmbH
14:40 Application of AM technology on the product “MX Diamond” Tobias Fölmli, URMA AG
15:10 Break – Coffee – Snacks
15:40 Methodology for innovation through additive manufacturing Hendrik Holsboer, IBAM
16:15 Presentation Swissmem SAMG Ralf Schindel
16:20 Highlights of industrialized AM applications Additive Minds, EOS GmbH
17:00 Factory tour through URMA AG
Networking / Apéro Riche

The presentations are in German and will be translated into English if required.

URMA showroom for additive manufacturing

Visit us and let our experts advise you comprehensively on the optimum solution for your company's individual additive manufacturing process requirements.

Discover different types of industrial 3D printers in action and learn how URMA uses the latest technologies in its own company for equipment, devices and research & development as a benchmark.

Do you have any questions?

Frank Gersbach – Manager Additive Manufacturing