The "Smart Machining Application Guide", S.M.A.G. App for short, will soon help companies obtain the necessary cutting data for their workpiece machining with RX inserts.
It is a real help for all users who work with RX reamers. The core element of the app is a cutting data computer which immediately delivers reliable cutting data for all RX applications after querying the general conditions. This eliminates the time-consuming search for all the necessary information from the catalogue. Within a very short time, your customers know the ideal spindle speed, the maximum feed rate, and the dimensions to be machined for their task.
The intelligent app can do even more. After checking the general conditions and customer requirements, it suggests a corresponding RX insert which is particularly suitable for the desired processing.
In addition, the "URMA Reaming" and "URMA Boring System" catalogues are available electronically in the app. If you like, you can click through the two catalogues interactively and compare products yourself.
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