Our responsibility to society
Regionally anchored
For over 60 years, we have been a strong and attractive Swiss employer with our own production in Rupperswil. Across 5,000 m2, we offer space for research and development, production, a test centre, a showroom, office space and thus strengthen the labour market of the canton of Aargau.
We value Swiss quality and implement it for the national and international market. However, our regional connection is very important to us as a family business: We see ourselves as shouldering the
responsibility to be an attractive employer for the region, and to strengthen the Swiss industrial sector. With our active membership in various industry associations such as Swissmem, swissmechanic, tecnoswiss, AIHK, AGV, etc., and we are working on the strategic changes in the industry sector in the machinery, electrical and metal sectors.
We also support various cultural and sports organisations in Switzerland, as well as charitable institutions.
URMA as an employer
We have our finger on the pulse: To meet the needs of society, we advertise all jobs on a part-time basis – including management positions. Freedom of action and decision-making at all levels encourage personal initiative and offer freedom. This creates space for innovation.
Our employees also benefit from flexible working hours and attractive social benefits. Furthermore, we offer modern premises, catering facilities and free parking. In our production area, thanks to our modern
machinery, our operations are characterised by a high level of automation. Modern processes and good infrastructure ensure optimal working conditions.
We support our employees with further and advanced training and thus keep the level of expertise in our company constantly high. With our polymechanic and design engineer apprenticeships, we offer the next generation a promising training opportunity in high-tech mechanics. We also train mediamaticians.
The URMA family includes 150 employees worldwide. Equal opportunities, equality, participation and inclusion are important to us, and we treat our employees with respect.
Safety and health
For industrial companies, in particular, it is essential to meet the requirements for health protection and occupational safety. We contribute to physical and mental health with proactive prevention measures.
We are responsible for the safety and physical and mental health protection of our employees. Our occupational health management works continuously on developing and deploying
measures for hazard prevention, operational equipment and hygiene. In addition, our workplaces are set up with the employee's state of health in mind.
Sponsoring and commitment
Sports and disability
We support sporting activities and are committed to promoting sport for the disabled. Our sponsoring partners include: FC Aarau, FC Rupperswil, STV Rupperswil, PluSport Behindertensport Schweiz and Special Olympics Switzerland.
Cultural diversity and creative projects enrich our society. That is why we support cultural initiatives such as the ASTOR Orchester & Chor and the Aargauer Kunsthaus.
Young talents
Aid project in peru
Nous nous engageons pour un avenir meilleur dans les régions défavorisées. Par notre engagement, nous soutenons le projet Con Corazón, qui s'engage en faveur de l'éducation, de la santé et du développement social au Pérou. Grâce à notre aide, nous contribuons à créer des perspectives d'avenir durables et autodéterminées pour les enfants et les familles dans les zones rurales.
Economic policy
As a responsible company, we are involved in various committees. Examples of this include our involvement in SWISSMEM and SWISSMECHANIC, where we are committed to future-oriented solutions and the promotion of Swiss industry.